Sunday, January 25, 2009

hahaha...I just saw that my blog is still decorated for Christmas, just like my house! I need to change that, but am too sleepy tonight...

Anyway, I was tagged on facebook by several friends for the 25 random things about yourself list...and I thought I would post it here for my friends/family that are not on facebook!

25 Random thoughts/facts/goals/etc about Amy, by Amy:
1. I have sat in front of my washing machine (front load) and watched it go through a whole cycle, completely fascinated.
2. I didn't get my driver's license until the Christmas break of my senior year in college.
3. My first "crush" was the school bus driver my first grade year...I think he was a senior in high school...and I would say his name but there are people from Prentiss on here who probably knew him :)
4. I am the "baby" in my family by 10 years. My dad just knew that I would be a boy, since he already had three girls. When I was born, he sent my mom a dozen roses and a card that said "Thanks anyway". Haha - I always thought it was just a family joke, until I actually found the card a few years ago!! (But my daddy still loved me....I was always known in the fam as "Daddy's Darling Daughter")
5. I was almost killed by a cow when I was around eight. Yes, a cow. The mooooo kind. I was telling this story a few months ago when it really hit me that I could...have...been...KILLED. By a cow. How embarrassing would that be?
6. The first money I ever made was from selling a pig to one of my teachers. (Did I mention I grew up a) in south Mississippi on b) a farm?? in case you didn't pick up on that from #5...
7. My earliest memory is my grandmother putting a diaper on me before I went to bed... probably around the age of 3. (Yes I was potty trained, but that was a LONG time ago, and they didn't have things like pullups and such back then for night time)
8. I'm scared of the dark, even at the age of 38. Sigh, some things you just never outgrow.
9. I've always wanted to be the type of gracious southern woman who sends handwritten thank you notes, etc. Unfortunately, I'm not. But the intentions are there, if you ever give me a gift know I really INTENDED to get that thank you in the mail!!
10. The older I get, the more I realize how much of an obnoxious little thing I was as a kid. And a young adult. LOL... I think I liked it better when I just thought I was the perfect little angel.
11. I LOVE the happy cow commercials .... you know, great cheese comes from happy cows, happy cows come from california...those things are GREAT!
12. I am easily infatuated with things....if it is something I like, I will watch/listen/read OVER and OVER and OVER...examples...Harry Potter, Twilight series, Phantom of the Opera movie, Wicked soundtrack, and so forth.
13. I'll also go ahead and admit that I am somewhat of a nerd...yes, I actually own a Harry Potter wand. Yes, I know it won't really work, but sometimes wouldn't it be nice??
14. Something that always makes me happy - brand new windshield wipers!!!
15. I am a cryer. Who else do you know that cries at those Super Bowl Commercials with the Clydesdale horses? And let's not even talk about the Star Wars episode III (shut up Kevin. I just really didn't want Anakin to go over to the Dark Side. Didn't he know what a mistake he was making???)
16. One of my proudest accomplishments was actually riding the subway by myself in NYC. Did I mention I grew up on a farm in southern Mississippi??? about being way out of your comfort zone... but I did it, and survived to tell the tale...I LOVE New York.
17. Seventeen is my favorite number. Because that was Mark Grace's number on the Cubs, and I loved me some Mark Grace. Plus, I became a Cubs fan during a very influential time in my life (freshman year of college) and some things just stick with you.
18. My not-so-secret ambition is to be a writer one day. Just to prove to myself that I can. Not necessarily to be published, because I don't kid myself to be that talented. But darn it, there's a story in me somewhere, and it really must come out!
19. Speaking of writing, in high school I had a thing about writing lyrics to songs. Really, really, bad, angsty, change the world lyrics. I recently shared some of these works of magnificence with my family, and as expected, they were most amused. Now, I know you are all thinking...gee, I wish I could read some of those marvelous lyrics... and because I love you all, I will share the chorus of my ode to social consciousness, circa August 1985... FIGHT THE FIRE:

Come on world let's join together
like a ship in stormy weather
we will battle against the odds
not dismiss them with a nod
We can do it if we try
Fight the fire don't let them die!

Of course, the family had the benefit of the full dramatic reading. If only you ALL could be so lucky.

20. After #19, #18 might not be such a good idea.
21. I sometimes have problems dressing myself...Within the past week and a half, I have on two separate occasions worn a piece of clothing inside-out to work. (I have also worn different color shoes multiple times.)
22. I thought of the perfect thing to write on here up around #3, but didn't type it in, and of course now cannot remember it. I thought of it again around #17, and promptly forgot it again. This all leads into...
23. Somedays I am convinced I have a tapeworm in my brain, just munching away.
24. I realize that I am one of those people who have a deep, innate need to be needed.
25. I am a major reader, to the point that if I don't have at least one book in the queue to read, I have physical withdrawal symptoms.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A new year, a new chance.....

To actually keep up with the blog!!! And I'm only 13 days late, go me!

More to come later.