Friday, September 28, 2007

Cubs clinch the NL CENTRAL

Holy crap,to borrow the favorite phrase of my nephew Chris. The Cubbies just clinched the National League Central. What does this mean??

1) The Cubs are going to the playoffs, baby! For only the 5th time since 1945, might I add.
2) The town of Chicago is going a little crazy at the moment, especially in Wrigleyville.
2a) The apartment of Amy is going crazy as well. Not quite the same, but whatever.
3) There are tears being shed in Milwaukee. I do have a smidgen of sympathy, but really, it has been the Cubs fans crying for too many years, so I know they will survive. Adversity is good for everyone!
4) My friend Kevin's parents are ecstatic, I'm sure. (They have season tickets, and will have 7 sets of playoff tickets. Mrs. Estes - I hope you get your new dining room set!!!)
5) Someone, please get me some valium, some nerve pills, some something. I'm going to need it!!

GO CUBS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Our house is in mourning ... its a sad day for Mets fans. But big smiles for you and we'll be cheering your cubbies on.

c .